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The minister of Tourisme Amel Karboul in Sousse on Environment Day


Critical Mass was joining in with Amel Karboul on CMS(FRIENDS OF ENVIRONMENT) SPECIAL EDITION.

We applaud the initiative of the tourist minister, lots of people showed up from all over Sousse cleaning the beach and cornice area!

After the event people was enjoing the first summerday in the new clean environment.


Amel Karboul on a bike at environment day

A Critical Mass event in Jendouba


Beautiful Jendouba

Starting from Sousse at 11 o’clock, with 30 enthusiastic bikers, full of joy and energy, we sang Critical Mass songs and had fun for 4 hours straight.

When we arrived we were warmly welcomed by the community of Jendouba and the CMJ.

They had organized a very nice program for the day. First, we went to see archeological Bulla Regia), a one hour guided tour for the Sousse and Jendoubian people together, new friendships were born.

From there we went 10 km into the city on our bikes. It was the first time some people ever rode a bike that far!

We got a lot of positive attention from people at coffee shops and in the streets, Jendouba has quite a lot of people who use bikes on a regular basis, there is a great potential to encourage a growing movement.

We finished up outside the Culture Center, where we were welcomed by everyone from the Mayor of Jendouba, the director of the Culture Center and many more. National TV and radio was covering the event.


Friends of Tunisia if proud to promote Critical Mass, bicycle movement in Tunisia

All in all it was a wonderful day and we wish Jendouba good luck in developing a healthy bicycle culture among the young and the old! Rabbi m3akom(God with you all).







Monday is officeday

A great day at the office, finishing our last projects before the summer.

You are always welcome to come and see us at the office, and have a cup of coffee and a snack.

A day at the office

The Premier of the Nelson Mandela movie, “The Long Walk To Freedom”, in Tunisia

Movie night

Here with first secretary and one of the producers.

Nilesh Singh, Graeme Bradley (First Secretary Political – SA embassy in Tunis) and President Moncef Marzouki of Tunisia

Nilesh Singh, Graeme Bradley (First Secretary Political – SA embassy in Tunis) and President Moncef Marzouki of Tunisia

Friends of Tunisia would like to express our gratitude to the South African Embassy and first secretary Mr. Graeme Bradley for arranging and hosting the premiere of the new Nelson Mandela movie “The Long Walk to Freedom” at the Thalasso Resort in Gammarth. The evening was filled with all the glamour of a premiere. The president, ministers and members of the government were specially invited together with Madame Bourgiba herself. Ambassadors and representatives of the international community in Tunisia were of course present as well. We, as representatives of a smaller NGO, were especially honored to be invited to an event like this. Driving up to the resort, trying to find a parking spot among all the limousines, enforced our impression of this not being just a normal movie night.

Mr. and Mrs. Burricks

Mr. and Mrs. Burricks

The first secretary Mr. Bradley introduced the movie together with Mr. Nilesh Singh from Video Vision, the South African distribution company of the movie.  Mr. Singh, also part of the production team of the movie, told us some of the details from the making of this movie and shared some of the correspondence with Nelson Mandela himself, before his death.

Movie night Tunis 2

Different ministers

The movie itself was greatly received by the audience. The temporarily set up cinema at the resort worked very well, with great picture and sound, and everyone left the cinema very pleased, with a sense of having been a part of a historic event.


We had the opportunity to come back the next day for a private meeting with Mr. Singh. He generously shared some details from the making of the movie: a 20 year long process, filmed during 4 months in South Africa, specially reconstructed neighborhoods, and most precious of all, the correspondence with Nelson Mandela himself with some of it even from his time in prison, before he was released.

Movie night Tunis 1

President Marzouki

We are looking forward to further cooperation with the South African Embassy in sharing the important message of Nelson Mandela in Tunisia.


L’Association, “Friends of Tunisia” souhaite exprimer leur gratitude à son excellence l’Ambassadeur d’Afrique du Sud et Monsieur le Premier Secrétaire Graeme Bradley pour avoir organisé et présidé l’avant-première du nouveau film sur Nelson Mandela, “le long chemin vers la liberté” au Thalasso Resort de Gammarth. Cette soirée d’Avant-Première a été rendue particulièrement exceptionnelle par tous les invités ayant répondu présent.  Son excellence le Président de la République, des ministres et membres du gouvernement ainsi que Madame Bourguiba ont fait partie des invités distingués, ainsi que des ambassadeurs et représentants de la communauté internationale présents en Tunisie. En tant que représentants d’une petite ONG, “Les amis de la Tunisie”, nous avons été particulièrement honorés d’être invités à un tel moment. Le trajet jusqu’au magnifique hôtel et la recherche d’une place de parking entre toutes les limousines rassemblées autour du  Thalasso Gammarth nous a rappelé qu’il ne s’agissait pas d’une sortie au cinéma ordinaire.


Le Premier Secrétaire Monsieur Bradley a présenté le film accompagné de Monsieur Nilesh Singh de Video Vision, le distributeur Sud Africain du film. Monsieur Singh qui a aussi fait partie de l’équipe de production du film, nous a donné des détails inédits sur la “making of” du film et nous a offert le privilège de partager avec nous des éléments de la correspondance qu’il a eu avec Nelson Mandela avant sa mort.


Le film lui-même a eu un franc succès auprès des personnes présentes. Le système de projection installé spécialement pour l’occasion a offert à tous une bonne qualité d’image et de son et tous sont repartis satisfaits, avec l’impression tenace d’avoir participé à un évènement historique.


Le jour suivant, nous avons eu le privilège de retourner à l’hôtel pour une réunion privée avec Monsieur Singh qui a généreusement partagé avec nous plus de détails sur la façon dont le film a vu le jour : un projet commencé il y a 20 ans, 4 mois de tournage en Afrique du Sud, dans des quartiers spécialement reconstitués pour l’occasion, et une longue correspondance avec Nelson Mandela en personne, dont une précieuse partie commencée avant sa libération, alors qu’il était encore en prison.


Nous nous réjouissons par avance de pouvoir bénéficier de cet excellent film en Tunisie et de toutes les coopérations à venir avec l’ambassade Sud Africaine, et par dessus tout, de pouvoir partager le message si important de Nelson Mandela en Tunisie.