Category Archives: Critical Mass

The minister of Tourisme Amel Karboul in Sousse on Environment Day


Critical Mass was joining in with Amel Karboul on CMS(FRIENDS OF ENVIRONMENT) SPECIAL EDITION.

We applaud the initiative of the tourist minister, lots of people showed up from all over Sousse cleaning the beach and cornice area!

After the event people was enjoing the first summerday in the new clean environment.


Amel Karboul on a bike at environment day

A Critical Mass event in Jendouba


Beautiful Jendouba

Starting from Sousse at 11 o’clock, with 30 enthusiastic bikers, full of joy and energy, we sang Critical Mass songs and had fun for 4 hours straight.

When we arrived we were warmly welcomed by the community of Jendouba and the CMJ.

They had organized a very nice program for the day. First, we went to see archeological Bulla Regia), a one hour guided tour for the Sousse and Jendoubian people together, new friendships were born.

From there we went 10 km into the city on our bikes. It was the first time some people ever rode a bike that far!

We got a lot of positive attention from people at coffee shops and in the streets, Jendouba has quite a lot of people who use bikes on a regular basis, there is a great potential to encourage a growing movement.

We finished up outside the Culture Center, where we were welcomed by everyone from the Mayor of Jendouba, the director of the Culture Center and many more. National TV and radio was covering the event.


Friends of Tunisia if proud to promote Critical Mass, bicycle movement in Tunisia

All in all it was a wonderful day and we wish Jendouba good luck in developing a healthy bicycle culture among the young and the old! Rabbi m3akom(God with you all).